11 3/4" x 15" Rough Opening
The BIG AIR 400 CFM Solar Powered Roof Vent is engineered to be installed on the roof of shipping containers. The vent comes with a 11 7/8 x 14 11/32 range hood filter (Bug Screen)
In order to exhaust the full 400 CFM, 2 Big Air 45 Vents are required for air intake.
To purchase Big Air 45 Vents on Amazon Click Here
Big Air 400 CFM Solar Powered Container Roof Vent
$ 349.95 USD
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Engineered to be installed anywhere on shipping container, van trailers & all wood construction building rooftops
No on or off switch!
Quiet operation and no vibration
10 W monocrystalline solar panel. ABS-PC anti-UV/Freeze construction. Brushless DC NSK Japanese Ballbearings
Cools up to 500 sq feet of attic space. Ventilates up to 400 CFM
11 3/4 x 15-inch Rough Opening. Vent opening diameter 9.5
Ventilates up to 400 CFM 11 3/4 x 15-inch Rough Opening. In order to exhaust the full 400 CFM, 2 Big Air 45 Vents are required for air intake. Search: B085LRWR5B to find Big Air 45 Vents on Amazon or Click Here
Comes with an 11 7/8 x 14 11/32 range hood filter (Bug Screen)
Vent opening diameter 9.5 Comes with an 11 7/8 x 14 11/32 range hood filter (Bug Screen) Leakproof flashing.
Leakproof flashing. Quiet operation and no vibration. Wildlife and hail resistant
Easy installation
Made in Canada
Eliminate moisture and excess heat with our state of the art computer-modeled frame design which adapts the Canada Go Green 4 Seasons Solar Vent (included) to corrugated shipping container rooftops.
In most jurisdictions, low voltage (12v) fans can be used in hazardous materials (HAZMAT) settings without the need for explosion-proof electrical.
Disclaimer: To be used in conjunction with 2 Big Air 45 vents for HAZMAT storage so that there is adequate passive ventilation at times when the solar-powered fan is not in operation.
The variables inside a shipping container are always changing. When the combination of those variables creates an environment prone to humidity, condensation will happen.
The above mentioned variables include, but are not limited to the following:
► Humidity
► Interior temperature
► Exterior temperature
► Wind direction
► Wind speed
► Foundation
► Adequate air flow under the container
► Direct sunlight to roof
►Direct sunlight to walls / doors
► Type of contents stored
► Volume of contents stored inside
► Color of container
► Specifically the roof
► Number of stock vents in the container

Big Air 400 CFM Solar Powered Container Roof Vent
$ 349.95 USD
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Bundle Options

Big Air 400 CFM Solar Powered Roof Vent with 2 Big Air 45 Intake Vents
$ 529.95 USD
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Big Air 400 CFM Solar Powered Roof Vent with 2 Big Air 45 Intake Vents (with Bug Screens)
$ 579.95 USD
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.